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Author: Pam Pollack & Meg Belviso
Illustrator: Marta Fàbrega
Target: 5 years and up
Format: 190 x 240 mm
Pages: 36 full-color throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

Lucas is a child who can’t sit still. He always forgets to raise his hand in class and doesn’t wait his turn; he finds it very hard to follow rules. At recess, the other children don’t want him on their team, because he doesn’t play by the rules of the game. But the problem is that he can’t control himself, because he has ADHD. This behavioral disorder leads him to act without thinking and makes him hyperactive and unable to concentrate easily. His parents take him to see a doctor who helps him to deal with and control this attention deficit disorder. From then onwards, everything is easier and more fun for Lucas.


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