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Author: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
Illustrator: SUBI - Joan Subirana
Target: 5 years and up
Format: 190 x 240 mm
Pages: 36 full-color throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

Mia used to be an athlete; not at soccer or gymnastics, but at the sport of being mean. She formed the Mean Team with girls and their first target was Lana!

Being mean to Lana was fun and it made Mia feel powerful, but she never worried about how the girls she was mean to felt. When she became the target of an Olympic Mean Team, she discovered what it was like to be picked on herself.

Playing a sport and belonging to a team can be a lot of fun, if your team plays by the rules and nobody gets hurt. Being mean breaks all the rules of good sportsmanship and nobody wins in the end.

Why can?t we all belong to the same team? That way nobody gets hurt!


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