Full Catalogue

The virtue of listening
The virtue of prudence
The virtue of patience
The virtue of effort


A collection of four titles that approaches the four essential ethical topics of the virtues of listening, prudence, patience and effort. Each of these virtues is highlighted through fifteen mini stories and illustrated situations so that children can understand the importance of nurturing them and strengthening them in themselves, in others and in their surroundings. In the final pages, each book provides a detailed explanation from an ethical point of view.


Titles: 4

Target: 5 years and up

Format: 240 x 240 mm

Pages: 36 full-color-throughout

Binding: Paperback / Hardback


GEMSER · Publications, S.L. | Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona) | Spain
T. (34) 93 540 13 53

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