Full Catalogue

Tasty desserts
Pizza and pasta
Fun party food
Yummy snacks


These books suggest different recipes, easy, tasty and healthy food appealing to kids in order to introduce children to the wonderful world of cookery. The recipes in these books are presented clearly by means of step-by-step explanations, together with excellent illustrations of ingredients, the cooking procedure and the final outcomes. Each book includes an illustrated glossary that will help children become familiar with the basic elements of cooking. The books also include a guideline for parents revised by a medically specialized child nutritionist.


Titles: 4

Target: 5 years and up

Format: 240 x 240 mm

Pages: 36 full-color throughout

Binding: Paperback / Hardback


GEMSER · Publications, S.L. | Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona) | Spain
T. (34) 93 540 13 53

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