Full Catalogue

Orangutan doesn't want to sleep
Elephant is afraid of the water
Crocodile's tooth
Tiger learns to recycle


Fun facts about growing is a series of children’s books.
Setting out the facts in a fun and entertaining way and accompanied by beautifully drawn and dynamic images, this collection handles topics like: losing your baby teeth, fear of the water, recycling and the excuses kids give when it’s time to go to bed.
Children will love this series and it will give adults help and tools for explaining and teaching kids about a whole range of different daily situations.


Titles: 3

Target: 3 years and up

Format: 240 x 240 mm

Pages: 36 full-color-throughout

Binding: Paperback / Hardback


GEMSER · Publications, S.L. | Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona) | Spain
T. (34) 93 540 13 53

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